Sunday, July 22, 2007

Google's $ 4.6 Billion commitment - Internet for ALL all Americans

Our Commitment to open broadband platforms

7/20/2007 06:07:00 AM
Posted by Chris Sacca, Head of Special Initiatives Google

" For now, and for all of us, the issue is simple: this is one of the best opportunities we will have to bring the Internet to all Americans. Let's seize that opportunity. "

For several years now, many Googlers have been working to identify the obstacles that prevent the Internet from being available to everyone on the planet. It strikes us as unfair that some people should enjoy such abundant access to this rich resource while billions of others aren't so lucky. Though the technology exists today to provide access on a global scale, often we have learned technology isn't the problem.

In this context, we have worked hard to advance a set of principles that will make Internet access for all a priority.For instance, we wrote last week on our Public Policy Blog about Google's interest in promoting competition in the broadband market here in the U.S., to help ensure that as many Americans as possible can access the Internet.

However, it takes more than just ideas and rhetoric if you want to help bring the Internet to everyone.So today, we're putting consumers' interests first, and putting our money where our principles are -- to the tune of $4.6 billion. Let me explain.

Read more here

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